We’re happy to swap or refund any item that is confirmed as faulty (or ‘Dead on Arrival’) within 14 days of purchase, and will cover the cost of you returning it and a replacement being shipped out. Our team take every care to get your new kit to you in pristine condition, but if an item is faulty, you’re less than delighted with it, or you’ve just had a change of plan, you have a few options… Faulty goods If you do require special shipping options, get in touch with us before you buy and we might be able to sort out alternative arrangements. This service is for postcodes beginning with HS, IM, KA27, KA28, KW, TR21-TR25 and ZE Channel Islands (2-3 working days) £22.99.Northern Ireland (next working day) £12.99.Pre 10:30am (next working day) Not currently available.Pre 12:00pm (next working day) Not currently available.Golden Square office pickup Not currently available.

If you order after 4pm on Friday or on a weekend, we’ll process your order on Monday, and orders placed on bank holidays will be processed the next working day. You can choose a pre-10am, pre-noon or non-timed delivery (in which case we’ll deliver between 9am and 6pm). With this setup I've been able to securely move and share files between systems, family, and colleagues.If you order before 4pm, we can deliver your product the next day, subject to stock availability.